
Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Neozoic

Here is a list of future animals I've thought of from inspiration from The Future Is Wild.

Mackal: A wolf designed to look like a lion or a tiger. They hunt in packs to bring down prey the size of an elephant.

Vocam: A massive frog or toad with a 14 foot mouth. It uses its mouth to suck up prey like a vacuum, its main prey is the Mackal. BION(believe it or not)it can swallow a whole pack

Rachidna: A rhino-like echidna that live in herds to fend off animals like Mackals or Vocams. It also has a poisonous barb at the end of its tail even more deadly than the tarantula's bite.

Varanusaurus Rex: The apex predator of the Neozoic. It is basically a giant descendant of the Komodo Dragon, only that it's more like Tyrannosaurus.

Harankopotamus: A predatory elephant sized hippopotamus. It has an armored back to protect itself from Varanusaurus and is capable of killing it as well(not to mention Rachidnas, and Mackals).

Dinoelephas: The future elephant, the Neozoic's biggest animal. These elephants trace back to their mammoth ancestors only they grow 150 feet tall. Every predator runs when Dinoelephas is around.

Tree-Crawler: A starfish adapted for life in the trees. These animals attack when their family is in danger, and glow reddish-purple when mad.

Turtasaurus: An ankylosaurus-like turtle that unlike their ancestors, traveled in herds. Even though they have thick shells, It's useless against the Mackal.

Gigantornis: The reincarnation of the terror birds. They were once raptor birds, however they lost the ability to fly and hunt on ground.

Megapithecus: A gorilla resembling a ground sloth. Supposedly, they maybe the replacements for man in the not to distant future

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